eesh... you ever have a moment where you're just wandering along... la dee da daa...
when suddenly a huge sledge hammer of reality hits you fill force in your solar plexus?
So I'm getting ready for bed... but first! Let's go take a look at those talented (but older, always older) artists over at Deviantart.com!
Oh lookie here~!
I've never looked into the comic section before... and OooOOoo!
some new cool artists!
So I begin to browse through these really fantastic, and some less fantastic, artists, just happily thinking to myself how they have more experience, how they've really worked at it over a long period of time...
when I find this REALLY REALLY good cartoonist.
I mean... she's got motion, character design, technical skills, the whole shebang. And it's not a copy of other people's work either see?
It has this really unique look and feel to it.
Wow I think... one day I hope to be this good...
and then I see it.
She's younger than me. She's sixteen... and she's... so so good.
Easily my superior in EVERY SINGLE WAY when it comes to drawing in a cartoony, anime influenced style.
by a million times.
And then it hits me.
She talks about how she's spent like 12 hours on this one.... 6 hours over here... a few WEEKS on a new piece...
All my most recent drawings and cartoons have all been under three hours...
Now... sure sure... I have my excuses...
I have classes, and homework, on normal school days all day long four days of the week.
no time then.
friday and saturday I see Veronica.
no time then.
sunday I work all day.
so no time then.
but it's still unacceptable.
Completely ridiculous.
I love doodling. I will keep doodling. But If some sixteen year old can make drawings that at my current rate I won't make for something like EIGHT MORE YEARS... I *Really* need to get on the ball.
Screw having a life.
I need to start drawing way. Way. WAY. more.
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