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Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

ohmygod I love BLOGS!!

not cause of this one.

and not really cause of anyone I know (haha... maybe I shouldn't say that aloud...)

but because it seems like all the classic comic GODS are making them!!!1!one!

here are two.

The person who made Bone!: Holy crap!

The person who made Ren and Stimpy!: Jeebus!!

I'm finding others and this blog is actually quite helpful for all your art blog finding needs:

But I'm very happy about this.


Summer is so close I can TASTE IT. It tastes like...


something very tasty. You can help me with that if you so desire.

I'm full of happy restless energy. yay.


Blogger Sharpie said...

so, hey, I've got a unrelated question:

you're technically in the city that you call home, even when you're at school. So, can you get homesick? because, like, you're sorta at home, and you can totally just hop a subway, and...

I like your art. And I dunno if I ever said, but your animation was mesmerizing.

9:39 PM  
Blogger Harris Wolf said...

Actually I don't really get homesick *ever* regardless of where I am.

But, truth be told, you are right, and it is almost impossible to escape the fact that I really can jump onto the subway and be home in 20 min-3 hours.

Amazingly happy about that tho cause I get to see v, family, and all the museums and stuff my teahers can throw at me.


2:38 PM  

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