Yay for school!
Pratt is going to commence with the awesomeness soon. And that makes me a happy boy.
Oh, and the picture above is a re-creation of Adam, the virul construct from the end (beginning?) of the new world.
I'm happy with my life and the many things that are contained within it.
I love seeing you so happy Not that you've ever had a problem with that, but you seem particularly elated lately.
I like the composition of this one. I also like the harsh shading (it's not as complex as some of your other drawings, but it's still effective) and the whole electricity-ish theme to it (the wire legs, coloring, lightning bolt, sharp lines, etc... you know better than I do).
Arrr... I never talk to you anymore! Well, I don't know when it's okay for me to call you, so here's my number so you can just call me: 2039886263
You have time to update your icon but not to upload a post? Grrr...
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