Saturday, October 29, 2005
Thursday, October 27, 2005
aaaand another week done!
*Grin* Get to see v, got some damn good work done today...
Overall life is nothing but good.
Tho' the sheer amount of art supplies piling up around my bed is a little scary.
Dangerous too... woke up with a discarded utility blade pressed flat against my skin.
Woulda sucked If I had turned over and got all sorts of icky blood overy my nice white sheets.
Aaanyways... good times!
Monday, October 24, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
hrm. Not going to usually do rants with these posts, but I do have a quick thought.
I *hate* it when people project compliments of others onto themselves. I don't know why, but I just do.
If someone says " Man, I really feel good today. I think it's because I like how this dress looks on me."
that's fine.
But if they say "Man, I really feel good today. I think it's because everyone likes how good this dress looks on me."
or... "Man, I really feel good today. I think it's because this dress makes me look so good." (in this one the person is projecting the idea that other people will think the dress looks good on them.)
lots of variations follow from this. but... annoying.