
My Photo
Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Sunday, July 23, 2006

well... I *wanted* to do a background with this as well...

but then I remebered that I don't know how to draw backgrounds effectively.


In the future I will hopefully draw one. I hope.

In other news, v's a cutie.

*grin* I'm dedicating this sunday to drawinz!

Oh yeah, go check out

I mean... if you're cool.

If you're not cool you totally don't have to.

Finally talked to an old fried of mine last night on the interweb and found out that she's like one of the two or so people that still read this ridiculous blog...

Which is nice cause I thought both people were just me logging on from different computers...

Wonder is she still draws anymore... hrm...

And I made a new interweb buddy Shiro whose brains I will consume to gain ABSOLUTE DRAWING POWAAA!!!

but seriously, she's got teh skills. Check her out...

Also, she might want to go to pratt... *grin* yay for artsy school...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

reaaally want to finish coloring tonight...



Friday, July 14, 2006

like how this is turning out... but I really have to go to bed. 5:30 in the morn...

gaaah! Want to draw... can't... find... time!

... subway doesn't count as real drawing...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mmm... I think the fumes and heat from the train make me draw faster or something. Churn these babies out.

Anyways... just a random musing.

Shane Glines. He does some cool stuff. Sexy, stylized, and he's worked his way into stardom (I mean... for a comic book artist. Yeah. A downtrodden race.)

But! I love finding guys like this. I mean, I've seen his work before, but I like digging a bit deeper and finding backstory...

makes the pictures make sense.

Sooo... I've been drawing on my computer but I just don't feel like posting them. Too polished but not polished enough?

Anyways, these are drawings from my subway rides to and from work.

The guy on the left is just something I made up, the guy on the right is a recurring character I made up.

Yeeaup. Three more of these things will show up over the next few days.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy Birthday you Birthday Happy!


may you live to enjoy at *least* three or four more.

(p.s. subway doodles soon to come.)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

I'ma gonna update this picture.
