
My Photo
Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

La dee da, a doodle I did in 4-D...

sorry about the lack of updates!




Wednesday, February 15, 2006


valentines day was fun.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Well there's a story behind this picture... but I can sum it up pretty adequetely by saying that as the new Charlie, my Angels have to have villians to fight. And fortunately for the ratings Pratt has such people as Caitlin.

So she's probably about to monologue here or something...

In other news... stilll siiickkk...

read this comic!!

tee hee... it's FUNNY DAMMIT!

and also... Valentines day is coming up!

I have something happy in store for you V.....


Making arrangements at restaurants is an annoying business.

Oh well. At least you get rewarded with good food.

In other news, V is off at band camp for the weekend, I've got homework to do, and it's gonna start snowing (supposedly).

My sick-iness is fading... but I still feel less energized than normal.



Thursday, February 09, 2006

Yaaay... finished my resume up for VERTIGO and got it sent into papa, where hopefully he will pluck his connection strings and maybe (hopefully) I'll be interning for those fine folks this summer.

(The picture of Morphius is actually a tracing I did of another picture I found... but mines happy!)

In other news... I'm sick. Sick sick sick.

so I'm gonna try and take it easy this week... and hopefully I'll recover in time for whatever momentous occasion is coming up over the next few days.

And of course I'm wishing for your speedy recovery as well.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


so I'm going to the MET today...

with Beerman and friends.

My bed is very comfy...

and I like to sleep in it.

Do you think I should put back comments...

into this blog?


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Oh my god, I am sooo sorry!

I think my watch must be a little slow or something cause... is that the time?


Oh man, my bad.

Also, like, my alarm clock didn't go off, and then the train was late...

did I tell you that some of my friends have been having lots of issues lately?



have you been waiting long?

well... at least you got a chance to take a breather and grab a bite to eat eh?



Well in any case, I'm really very sorry. Really.

Um... still want to look at some pictures?

And um... I guess going back to my place later is out of the question huh?